Confession 5: I am a terrible friend. (But here’s how Spotify might help?)

As if I needed another reason to love Spotify, (i.e. Netflix for music), but they may just help salvage a wilted friendship with their ingenious and creative way of handling customer service issues.

Basically in a nutshell, or should I say mp3, Spotify has turned the mundane task of answering questions or addressing customer feedback by creating customized music playlists themed in a way that’s related to the customer’s issue. Take a look below!

This takes customer service to a whole new level!

This takes customer service to a whole new level!













It kind of brings me back to the days when I was in middle and high school where you’d make mixtapes (or CD’s more towards the late 90’s) for your girlfriend, boyfriend, bestie, or sister-wife.

iStock_000001253030XLargeThey’d of course have themes for road trips, or anniversaries (1 month, 2 month), or sometimes ‘just because.’ Then there were those times that you’d have to make one because you messed up, or felt something was off in your friendship.

And sadly I have to admit, if my friendship were a company, I would be failing miserably. Over this past year I quit drinking, took on a well deserved yet challenging promotion at work, and threw myself into earning my master’s degree with Harvard Extension School.

What that means…..

I haven’t been very social, especially in the ways I have in the past since getting inebriated isn’t on the weekend’s to-do list anymore. Plus, I’m very self centric right now, which hasn’t left me much time to foster and maintain the friendships I’ve made here in Boston over the last 6 years. It haunts me, but I know the progress I’ve made over the last several months is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, but I’ve lost some friends along the way, and well, that sucks.

For those who have stuck around and supported me, you have no idea how much that means to me.

There is one friendship in particular I miss most. I miss my friend Mark. Things are off, they have been for awhile. Funny thing is we’ve both acknowledged it, but for whatever reason, we just keep avoiding ‘the conversation.’ ME, of all people who once told a senior colleague she probably shouldn’t chew gum in meetings because it made the intern look more like the director in the room, is having trouble having ‘the converstaion!’

Perhaps we’re both afraid of what the other person is going to say………

So yeah, it’s time we have the conversation and get it all out there. But I think I’ll take a page out of Spotify’s book and begin with music. Something I know both of us relate to.

Mark is one of the most lively, energetic people I know. His heart is always in the right place and he eats, breathes, and shits everything Boston. He’s one of the reasons I’ve liked living here so much. Mark is Boston.

And what Spotify has done so altruistically is use music for what it does best, it puts into sentiment what words cannot. This playlist is dedicated to him, my friend Mark whom I miss a lot. Interpret at your own risk, but the message is pretty clear, I miss him and whenever he’s ready….. we’ll talk.

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Missing Mark Playlist

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1 Response to Confession 5: I am a terrible friend. (But here’s how Spotify might help?)

  1. Pingback: Confession: I love clichés and I’m drunk on life! | Confessions of a Fat Boy……..

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