365 (empty) bottles of beer on the wall……

My last drink was a pint of Guinness (I think…) at DUCKIE in London’s Royal Vauxhall Tavern. I don’t remember much of that night, but I do remember hating myself the next morning as the realization set in that I had a 10-hour journey ahead of me back to the States later that afternoon.

It also meant I’d embark on a much longer journey that I promised myself to complete just a few short months prior — live sober for one full year, and write this blog to tell about it. That was January 5th.

It has been 1 full month since my last alcoholic drink. One down, Eleven to go!

This premiere post is just a quick welcome to you, as well as a thank you for taking the time to check out my new blog! I won’t bore you with all of the details as to why I’ve decided to make such a drastic change, but your are welcome to explore What’s this ABOUT? if you’re really curious. Plus throughout the year I am sure that will all become much clearer.

I invite you to subscribe so that you can continue to check in on my experience and progress throughout the year. Just check out the Stats! , and I’m convinced you’ll want to come along for the ride. After all, I could be your permanent DD for 2014!

One reason enough though is that I’m going full-out, like Britney Spears circa 2006 getting out of a car full out!

Throughout 2014 you’ll see………

  • Biggest Loser style “before pics” with progress pics along the way (Physical)

  • An honest outlook of my financial situation (minus the boring and potential HR risky details), inclusive of an insider look at my savings account, which at the beginning of the year had a measly $25. (Financial)

  • Brutally honest posts about my emotional and psychological experience, especially when it comes to the social side of things. (Emotional, Psychological)

I think many ‘Happy Hour’ and “it’s-a-holiday-weekend-I-get-to-drink-an-extra-night” socialites would agree that you become and you have more fun after a couple of drinks. Plus, it only gets better after the 6th and 7th and so on and so on. And just because I am not drinking does not mean that I do not want to hang out with some of the greatest friends I’ve come to know in Boston. I’m just happy and excited (and a lil’ nervous) to share my honest perspective of what it’s like as I experience what would feel like showing up to a tennis match without a tennis racquet.

Of course I’ll respect privacy and use mostly pseudonyms, but if you’re like “GUUUUUURL, that’s me! And Mitchell??!! Really that’s the best name you could come up with??!!” I’m open to talking about it, and even welcoming you to share a post of what your experience was like. The juxtaposition of these two “different” worlds would be so freaking interesting to explore IMHO.  

There will be other reasons why you should subscribe other than indulging my ego and reading about ME ME ME! In just a short month I have read some fascinating books and articles on a variety of topics, upped my dedication to fitness and eating more naturally, and even just carving out some time to have fun outside of the social drinking scene. And guess what?! I’ve kind of been missing out!

That’s not to say I dislike the idea of going to a bar or club and that I’m eliminating that part of my social life completely. But it’s surprising how many things you can enjoy that don’t involve you making questionable choices, waking up next to Mr. Saturday Night who sneakily put on his CPAP machine after you fell asleep only to freak the hell out of you the next morning because you think you’ve just slept with The Predator. And I’m talking 1980’s Predator with the gnarly “ahead of it’s time” make-up artistry, not modern day, kind of sexy Predator.

Sleep Apnea???

Sleep Apnea???

I’m excited to share this new information and my experience with the world! If you’re looking for that little “life” nudge or inspiration, maybe something I have shared on My So-Called SOBER Life may be that launching pad for you. And that is simply one of the best reasons to be dedicated to this process!

It was that sort of inspiration that finds me in this very moment meticulously writing and proofreading my very first blog post. My Health Coach, Evan Crothers*, recommended reading a book titled ‘The Velvet Rage’ (post to come), and it’s honestly changed my life!The Velvet Rage It’s an outstanding read for gay men struggling with issues of shame, identity, and living their lives authentically.

But don’t let this initial recommendation and previous sentiments convince you that I am solely interested in providing information and this experience to gay men. I hope that whether you are gay, female, straight, black, twenty, depressed, straight, fifty, poor, transgender, overweight, Chinese, rich, smart, etc etc etc that you’ll perhaps want to explore your better self and being a better human being altogether.  

So again, thanks for taking the time to check out my first post, and I hope to post a couple of times a week going forward. Please follow my blog so you don’t miss out!!

(*Evan Crothers is an outstanding, trained, and educated health coach. He’s helped me immensely in my pursuit of discovering my best self!  For more information please visit his website,  Confidence Through Nutrition.)

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