A Year of Sobriety

My last drink was a pint of Guinness while travelling abroad in London. That was January 5th, 2014, and I plan on having my next (perhaps back in London) exactly 1 year to the day!

One of my last pints of Guinness on my visit to the Guinness Storehouse Brewery in Dublin!

One of my last pints of Guinness on my visit to the Guinness Storehouse Brewery in Dublin! Cheers!


My typical alcohol consumption on a weekly basis was 8-10 drinks, sometimes less and sometimes much much much much much much much much more! (i.e., Bear Week or Birthday- both of which I will experience this year) It was very rare that I would not have stepped foot into a bar, pub, club, restaurant at least once per weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun).

I’m one of those “ninja drunks” where I can have 2 drinks or 12 drinks and pretty much still seem aware and lucid. I think most of my friends would agree that it was not often that I would be considered “messy” when it came to alcohol consumption.

But after a typical night of drinking, usually 6-7 “what’s on tap”, you could guarantee I’d be purchasing some street meat, putting in an order to my favorite Chinese restaurant, or if the cabby was an angel that night, a quick visit through a McDonald’s drive-thru. And full disclosure a drive-thru order would easily consist of 1 Big Mac Meal as large as you can get it, 3 Double Cheeseburgers, a large chocolate shake, and if I was feeling hungy-hungry-hungy-hippo-ish throw in a 6 piece McNugget! Can you spell H-E-I-F-E-R??!!!


So not only was I consuming insane amounts of calories that have contributed to my chubby waistline, I was carelessly spending money that also contributed to my current and quite honestly embarrassing financial state.

And then it just goes all down-hill from there……..The next morning you wake up, thirsty as hell because you’re dehydrated and ate what was equivalent to 3-4 cups of salt. You’re depressed because you get another e-mail reminder that your student loan payment is due, which you’re probably not going to pay on time because you were playing the role of Kanye West at the club last night paying for rounds that you simply could not afford. And this just spirals into emotional and psychological despair because now shame and disappointment have set in. And what better way if there to avoid uncomfortable feelings than ponying up to the bar the next night?! IT’S A NEVER ENDING BATTLE!

As mentioned in My Secret, this blog was formerly titled My So-Called Sober Life. Please feel free to read previous posts under originally added prior to the re-launch of my blog now titled Confessions of a Fat Boy.

DISCLAIMER: Any stories of encounters documented in this blog will be under pseudonyms to protect the identity of my friends and family. It is not my intention to estrange myself from anyone, I am just documenting an authentic experience based off of my sober perspective. 

2 Responses to A Year of Sobriety

  1. Pingback: 299 Empty Bottles of Beer on the Wall…….. 2 Month Update! | My So-Called SOBER Life

  2. Pingback: 299 (empty) bottles of beer on the wall…….. 2 Month Update! | My So-Called SOBER Life

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