Questions? Suggestions? Comments?

Questions? Post Suggestions? Comments?

My physical head may be very large, but I am not convinced it’s taken up all by brain matter what-so-ever!

So I might not consider all perspectives of a particular topic I post about.

I might not be using the technology to its fullest extent.

I may be redundant in what I am posting.

So to keep this fun and engaging I would love to hear from you! If there is a certain topic you’d be interested in me exploring, let me know.

Just leave your thoughts and comment in the Reply section below!

2 Responses to Questions? Suggestions? Comments?

  1. Scott Horan says:

    Hey You!!! This is so awesome! I will be keeping up with your progress and even throw in my 2 cents here and there. God knows I know all about drinking and being sober. The tennis match of my life. I accomplish so much when I have some what long periods of sobriety and am free of anxiety. Anxiety is huge for me. When I am drinking I feel tons of anxiety and guilt which I then soothe with more alcohol and sometimes pills together, WHICH…… then wears off and I feel even more anxiety and guilt. Sounds like a no brainer. Don’t Drink. But it has been such a part of my gay social life since I came out that it is hard for me to be in social situations and not drink. That is the real tough part for me. When I am not drinking I am not usually socializing much which is kinda lonely. Anyway, I am really glad you are doing this adventure. I am excited for you and pretty inspired myself. 😉 We will see where this goes. I’ll keep you posted. 😉 xo

    • Hey Scott,

      Thanks so much for your kind words, and I am really excited about this! And yes please feel free to add an anecdote here and there whne it comes to anything you relate to or can elaborate on. I totally understand the social aspect of drinking, and think right now I am kind of in this paranoia stage of friends specifically not including me because they don’t want that presence around. Again that is just in my head most likely, and well why would I want to be in a place that I really can’t participate in.

      Anyways again thanks for reaching out. I am trying to post at least once a week, so if you do not see something from me in over two give me a shout and tell me to get my shit together. 🙂

      Hope everything is well on your end!


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