Meet Pronounce the K

Hi! I’m JP Knapic, aka Pronounce the K, a 32 year-old marketing coordinator for Harvard University’s Extension School.

As you may have guessed, Pronounce the K originates from my last name in which yes the “K” makes a “Kah” or “Kuh” sound as in Kah-nap-ick or Kuh-nap-ick, i.e. the K is not silent. So yeah, I grew up a little confused, occasionally asking for a kuh-nife or explaining that I didn’t “kah-now the answer.” And for the majority of my adolescent life when I didn’t have as much tact as I do now, I would preemptively exclaim, “Pronounce the K” before teachers or other adults with authority phonetically butchered my last name.

I’m currently pursuing my Masters of Liberal Arts in Management and a certificate in marketing management with HES. My professional interests within marketing include digital marketing, social media, research, a little creative, and strategy — so a lot of my time is spent reading up on new and exciting ways to use technology in marketing and how to use them strategically to over-deliver on organizational goals.

What I think is awesome is that the things I am interested in professionally end up helping me in my day-to-day personal life. In my spare time I love to write so it only makes sense to have a blog and perfect my content skills. I’m app obsessed so it makes sense for me to experiment A LOT! I am always trying out new apps to embed into all the “responsibility” areas of my life like tasks & scheduling, cooking, finances, workouts, and some that require me to shut off and relax!

Some of my great influences and inspirations are…..

  • my new boss and mentor Carol Stuckey – Executive Director of Marketing & New Programs at HES. Her expertise has motivated me to work hard and understand my role as a marketer in today’s environment.
  • My fabulous friend Evan Crothers who inspired me to live in the now and allow nutrition to be a positive source of in my life!. Feel free to check him out at Confidence Through Nutrition.
  • And lastly my friend Sean Sweeney aka SpeechTechie a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) who crafts his work around his passion, who demonstrates professionalism and know-how like non-other in his field. It’s motivated me to become an expert and share my knowledge on a regular basis. Pluuuus, we might have a slight affection for Project Runway.

I am grateful you took the time to learn a little bit about me, and continue to do so as I share what I hope will be engaging, fun, and useful content to anyone who reads it!

Please, enjoy my blog Confessions of a Fat Boy!



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